

TATTERED in Traditional Chinese

(especially of cloth or paper) badly torn (尤指布料或紙張)破爛的,破舊的 The flag was tattered and threadbare. 這面旗破爛不堪。

TATTERED | English meaning

(especially of cloth or paper) badly torn: The flag was tattered and threadbare. a tattered old letter.

TATTERED definition and meaning

If something such as clothing or a book is tattered, it is damaged or torn, especially because it has been used a lot over a long period of time.

TATTERED Definition & Meaning

adjective · torn to tatters; tatter; ragged: a tattered flag. · wearing ragged clothing: a tattered old man.

Tatter Definition & Meaning - Merriam

1. a part torn and left hanging : shred 2. tatters ˈta-tərz plural : tattered clothing : rags Synonyms Verb See all Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus

Tattered Definition & Meaning - Merriam

1. torn into shreds : ragged; a tattered flag. 2. a : broken down : dilapidated; decaying houses along tattered paved streets.

tattered adjective

​old and torn; in bad condition. tattered clothes; (figurative) tattered relationships; (figurative) the hotel's tattered reputation.

Tattered - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms

tattered · adjective. worn to shreds; or wearing torn or ragged clothing. “a man in a tattered shirt”. “the tattered flag”. “tied up in tattered brown paper”. “ ...






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